The Shadow of Your Wings 

by Morris E. Morrissey




Back in the days of Dickens and Conan Doyle, many novels were published in weekly or monthly installments. The serial novel has since been replaced by the TV series, but I’m hoping to buck the trend this year: every Friday at 6 p.m I’ll be posting the latest chapter from my third novel, The Shadow of Your Wings. To make things a little more interesting, I’ll be writing the book in real time. I don’t know how it’s going to end, but you better believe I’ll publish a new chapter at the same time every week without fail.

I’ve also decided to make this project a fundraising event. If people can run, swim or cycle for charity, why shouldn’t they write for charity? With that in mind, all the proceeds from this site will go to The Salvation Army. I have huge admiration for this organisation, which has helped UK citizens from all backgrounds for over 150 years, and I hope you can offer something to their cause. Find out more about their work and check out my fundraising page.

As for the actual book, The Shadow of Your Wings follows four Londoners who’ve recently graduated from university. It is a novel about music, faith, and life as a young adult. It features the East London Hemingway Appreciation Society, a psychedelic rock band called 38 Children Called Stone, and reflections on lifestyle apps, nuclear energy, the Virgin Mary, and Kanye West. If that brief description has managed to whet your appetite, you can read the first chapter here. If it hasn’t, you can still read the first chapter here.

I hope you enjoy following my progress week by week, and I encourage you to lend a helping hand to the Salvation Army and all their beneficiaries.

Let’s see what happens…

God bless,

Morris E. Morrissey